Category Archives: NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo Has Me – Part 2

keyboard, laptop, worn out, writing, NaNo, NaNoWriMo, lynne st. james, twice bitten and bewitchedIt’s November 18th and NaNoWriMo is more than halfway done.  To be on track I should have written about 36,000 words on my book.  Sadly I’m not there, not this year.

Try as I might I have been having a love/hate relationship with my muse this year.  I don’t know why really, except that I must be doubting her and she’s taking it out on me. LOL.

I have the story plotted out, well as much as I plot any of them, and I can see it all in my head.  The issue seems to be getting out of my brain, down through my body, and out from my fingers and onto the screen.  I’m sure it’s mental.  I’ve written enough to know this.  But that doesn’t make it any easier.

I’m determined to write this book and get it completed no later than the middle of December, but preferably on time for the end of NaNo.  Will I do it?  I’m really not sure at this point.  A week ago I would have said yes, now not so much.  But I’m going to give it my best shot!

Take that NaNo! 

So what do you do when you’re trying to accomplish something, but instead feel like banging your head against the wall?  I’d love to hear your ideas for motivation.


Filed under Books, Musings, NaNoWriMo, Writing

The NaNo Has Me!

I know it seems like I have deserted this blog, but truly I haven’t. Life has had me in its clutches and hasn’t wanted to let go. First it was my daughter’s wedding, which was amazing, fun, beautiful, beautiful and just the best Halloween party ever! No sooner did I get back home when the calendar turned to November.  We all know what that means, right?

coffee, starbucks, PSL, writing, NaNoWriMo, NaNo, lynne st. james, twice bitten and bewitchedNaNoWriMo. What can I say that you probably haven’t heard already. One month, 50K words and lots of coffee. Did I say lots of coffee? Umm yup…and we all know what my favorite drink is – coffee!

keyboard, laptop, worn out, writing, NaNo, NaNoWriMo, lynne st. james, twice bitten and bewitchedI’m immersed in NaNo. We have a love-hate relationship really, and it has been going on since 2008, when I first found out it existed. Wow what a trip…literally! How long does it take the average author to get from 0 to 50K? It’s debatable of course…and as you can see I’ve even worn some of the letters off of my keyboard while trying!

I do have several author friends who manage to have a “NaNo” month every month and I have nothing but jealousy errr awe for them. Between my day job and some health issues I would be happy to write a book every three months really. But what would November be without the torture errr exhilaration of NaNo participation?

Last year I won, and I repeated it again in April at Camp NaNoWriMo. Will I make it this month? Time will tell. I’ll update you as the month continues. For now I will admit I am no where near where I should be on day twelve but it’s early and there is plenty of time to catch up, write…errr right!?

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Filed under Books, Coffee, General Posts, NaNoWriMo